


Permanent Downhole Gauges (PDG) are a remarkable source of information of both long term production data and the capture of occasional buildups that may be described as ‘free well tests’. Data are acquired at high frequency and over a long duration. The down side is the large number of data points gathered, which can amount to hundreds of millions per sensor which is far beyond the processing capability of today’s fastest PC. There are a number of challenges: storing and accessing the raw data, filtering, transferring this to the relevant analysis module and finally sharing both filtered data and analyses.

KAPPA Server is a client-server solution for PDG reservoir surveillance that addresses these issues in a shared environment. It permanently mirrors raw data from any data historian, reduces the number of points with wavelet-based filtering, stores and shares the filtered data. Filtered data can be exported to third party databases.

High frequency data (PDG)

Time-lapse data with measures recorded every 1 – 30 second intervals can be considered as high frequency data (pressure, temperature, flowmeter rates) and usually are stored in the company’s data historian. Using a preconfigured data link an user can browse the list of available tags (gauges, data sets) in the historian and select the required ones to be mirrored into KAPPA Server.
Mirroring involves copying the data tag from the historian into a gauge item in KAPPA Server. Once this is done the gauge item is kept updated by an internal process that checks for additional data and mirrors them.  

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