
EMS-I.SMS.V10 register crack Surface Water Modeling System

The SMS 10.0 is now available! We are optimistic that the new features and enhancements will make SMS more productive than ever!

The Surface Water Modeling System (SMS) is a comprehensive environment for one-, two, and three-dimensional hydrodynamic modeling. A pre- and post-processor for surface water modeling and design, SMS includes 2D finite element, 2D finite difference, 3D finite element modeling tools. Supported models include RMA2, RMA4, ADCIRC, CGWAVE, STWAVE, BOUSS2D, CMS-Flow, CMS-Wave, and GENESIS models. A comprehensive interface has also been developed for facilitating the use of the FHWA commissioned analysis package FESWMS. The TUFLOW numerical model with powerful flood analysis, wave analysis, and hurricane analysis is now supported. SMS also includes a generic model interface, which can be used to support models which have not been officially incorporated into the system.

The numeric models supported in SMS compute a variety of information applicable to surface water modeling. Primary applications of the models include calculation of water surface elevations and flow velocities for shallow water flow problems, for both steady-state or dynamic conditions. Additional applications include the modeling of contaminant migration, salinity intrusion, sediment transport (scour and deposition), wave energy dispersion, wave properties (directions, magnitudes and amplitudes) and others.

New enhancements and developments continue at the Environmental Modeling Research Laboratory (EMRL) at Brigham Young University in cooperation with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station (USACE-WES), and the US Federal Highway Administration (FHWA).

Automated Mesh/Grid Generation

SMS can be used to construct 2D and 3D finite element meshes and finite difference grids of rivers, estuaries, bays, or wetland areas. The tools include a sophisticated set of creation and editing tools to handle complex modeling situations with relative ease. Several methods of finite element mesh creation are available, allowing you to create any combination of rectangular and triangular elements needed to represent your model domain. Both cartesian and boundary-fitted grid creation tools are available to allow representation of a model domain for finite difference models. The powerful mesh/grid creation tools, coupled with GIS objects, are what makes SMS such an easy-to-use and accurate modeling system!

There are two main methods for building models in SMS, the direct approach and the conceptual modeling approach. With the direct approach, the first step is to create a mesh or grid. The model parameters, source/sink data, and boundary conditions are assigned directly to the nodestrings, nodes, and elements of the mesh. This approach is only suited for very simple models.

The most efficient approach for building realistic, complex models is the conceptual model approach. With this approach, a conceptual model is created using GIS objects, including points, arcs, and polygons. The conceptual model is constructed independently of a mesh or grid. It is a high-level description of the site including geometric features such as channels and banks, the boundary of the domain to be modeled, flow rates and water surface elevations of boundary conditions, and material zones with material properties such as Manning's n value. Once the conceptual model is complete, a mesh or grid network is automatically constructed to fit the conceptual model, and the model data are converted from the conceptual model to the elements and nodes of the mesh network


EMS-I.GMS.V6.5 register crack

The GMS 6.5 is now available! We are optimistic that the new features and enhancements will make GMS more productive than ever!

GMS is the most sophisticated and comprehensive groundwater modeling software available! Used by thousands of people at U.S. Government agencies, private firms, and international sites in over 90 countries, it has been proven to be an effective and exciting modeling system. GMS provides tools for every phase of a groundwater simulation including site characterization, model development, calibration, post-processing, and visualization. GMS supports both finite-difference and finite-element models in 2D and 3D including MODFLOW 2000, MODPATH, MT3DMS/RT3D, SEAM3D, ART3D, UTCHEM, FEMWATER, PEST, UCODE, MODAEM and SEEP2D. Regardless of your modeling needs, GMS has the tools!

The program’s modular design enables the user to select modules in custom combinations, allowing the user to choose only those groundwater modeling capabilities that are required. Additional GMS modules can be purchased and added at any time. The software will dynamically link to these subsequent modules at run time—automatically adding additional modeling capability to the software.

Groundwater Flow & Transport Options

The variety of modeling options in GMS is unparalleled! Rather than being limited to one main model (such as MODFLOW) and accompanying “add-on” codes, GMS provides interfaces to a wide range of 2D or 3D models. Here is a brief overview of the options available to you:

2D Flow

Perform fast, easy modeling with the MODAEM analytical element model integrated into GMS!
2D finite-element seeepage modeling is supported in the SEEP2D model - perfect for dams, levees, cutoff trenches, etc.
3D Flow

3D finite difference modeling with MODFLOW 2000 (saturated zone)
3D finite-element modeling with FEMWATER (saturated and unsaturated zone)
Solute Transport

Simple analytical transport modeling with ART3D
Simple 3D transport with MT3D, MODPATH, or FEMWATER
Reactive 3D transport with RT3D or SEAM3D
Multi-phase reactive transport with UTCHEM
Unsaturated Zone Flow and Transport

Fully 3D unsaturated/saturated flow and transport modeling with FEMWATER or UTCHEM

GIS-based Model Conceptualization

One of GMS's greatest strengths traditionally has been the conceptual model approach. This approach makes it possible to build a conceptual model in the GMS Map Module using GIS feature objects (points, arcs, and polygons). The conceptual model defines the boundary conditions, sources/sinks, and material property zones for a model. The model data can then be automatically discretized to the model grid or mesh. The conceptual model approach makes it possible to deal with large complex models in a simple and efficient manner.

The GIS Module now available in GMS has made creating conceptual models from GIS data even easier. With direct linkage to ArcGIS and almost any format of GIS data, you can access geometry and attributes faster than ever before.

Whether the GIS data is created in GMS or imported from GIS files, the method of model building remains the same. You edit the model at a GIS object level and let GMS do the hard work of grid or mesh building and parameter assignment to each element of the model.
3D Model Conceptualization

GMS presents new and improved tools for the creation of complex 3D stratigraphy models and the ability to translate that 3D object direclty to a finite-difference grid model or fininte-element mesh model.

The “Horizons” approach allows you to create complex solids from borehole and cross section data quickly and easily. These tools alow you to create solids with complex stratigraphy such as pinch out zones, truncations, and outcroppings.


PetraSim v4.6 license crack

PetraSim is an interactive pre-processor and post-processor for the TOUGH2, T2VOC, and TETRAD codes. PetraSim is the only fully integrated interface for TOUGH2 and T2VOC and the only modern interface for TETRAD. This review focuses on use of Petrasim for TOUGH2 and T2VOC, which simulate multiphase transport of fluids (gas, water, NAPLs) and heat in porous and fractured media. TOUGH2 and T2VOC have been used for more than a decade to simulate problems ranging from unsaturated zone transport and heat transfer at Yucca Mountain, geothermal-reservoir engineering, density-driven gas transport of VOCs, partitioning-tracer tests, and various remediation schemes (e.g. SVE, air sparging, pump and treat). The input for these codes is complex, and data entry is generally accomplished via text-based input files. While some firms have developed proprietary GUIs, they shave not earned the broad support of the TOUGH2-user community. However, Petrasim makes use of the TOUGH2 codes much easier. Users can construct and run a TOUGH2-T2VOC simulation and view the results entirely within PetraSim. Petrasim allows development of complex three-dimensional grids, boundary conditions, and initial conditions. Construction and assignment of wells for fluid or heat injection and extraction is also simple. The complex array of multiphase-fluid and heat transport parameters is arranged in a remarkably intuitive manner. Output can be visualized in PetraSim without importing the output text files into an external graphics program. I expect this software will result in increased use of the TOUGH2-T2VOC codes. A demo version of PetraSim is available free of charge for a limited-time at http://www.thunderheadeng.com/. Numerous example problems are provided. The most recent version of Petrasim must be purchased (same web site), and includes integrated TOUGH2 and T2VOC solvers at no extra cost. An educational package is also available for a reduced price.

AspenONE V7 (C)AspenTech Introduces license keymake

-- The best practices enabled by aspenONE V7 reflect proven, state-of-the-
art engineering work processes used by leading AspenTech customers.
These process manufacturers and engineering & construction companies
include global leaders such as Dow, BP, BASF, and Fluor.

-- Guided by input from AspenTech’s leading customers around the world,
aspenONE V7 delivers innovations and enhancements that make it easier
for engineering teams to "do more with less" in the face of shrinking
human resources and increasing market demand.

-- Building upon previous innovations from AspenTech, aspenONE V7 includes
several process engineering "industry firsts":

-- An integrated conceptual engineering workflow via a single user
interface. This tightly integrates simulation, equipment design and
economic analysis, and enables simultaneous rather than sequential

-- A patented master data model (MDM) that enables process
manufacturers to effectively manage assets across the entire
lifecycle -- from design through operations.

-- An industry-standard, vendor-neutral interface (ISO 15926-compliant)
that links basic to detailed engineering, enabling workflow across
multiple types of engineering teams who need to work together on
global projects.

-- Out-of-the-box modelling functionality for coal gasification, bio-
fuels, and other alternative energy sources.

-- The industry’s most comprehensive physical property database
incorporating over 23,000 components, developed in collaboration
with the National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST),
supporting complex process modelling and optimization requirements.

-- The integration of both equation-oriented and sequential modular
approaches to simulation for the Energy industry.

-- aspenONE V7 software also delivers additional IT and usability
innovations that provide fast and easy access for users across the
enterprise and simplify deployment and management of the software:

-- "Virtualization ready" software support for leading virtualization
technologies from Microsoft, VMware and Citrix, dramatically
reducing deployment time from months to weeks.

-- The introduction of the Aspen Licensing Center. The Licensing
Center graphically displays how aspenONE engineering products are
used across the enterprise, making it easier to identify and
replicate best practices, and simplifying access of new products
through on-demand evaluation. (See AspenTech’s Aspen Licensing
Center press release for more information.)

-- New operator training simulation (OTS) with a new model integration
framework to help operators get up-to-speed faster and better manage
plant performance.

-- Pop-up Viewlets providing instant help and guidance throughout
aspenONE V7.

-- As a result of the many innovations in aspenONE V7, process industry
companies can better respond to today’s most pressing market

-- Rapidly responding to increased capacity needs -- through more
efficient engineering and re-use of engineering knowledge in

-- Identifying optimal energy management solutions during design --
through an integrated conceptual engineering workflow.

-- Accelerating alternative energy projects -- through proven process
models and engineering tools tailored for these markets.

-- Executing larger, more complex projects with fewer engineers --
through global project execution and a collaborative framework.

-- Achieving greater engineering efficiency -- through the ability to
support multiple engineering projects on a single PC.

-- Improved response to environmental regulations -- through accurate
modelling of CO2 and acid gas removal.



DHI proudly presents the MIKE 2008 software
Release 2008 of DHI's MIKE software includes many new important features and significant performance improvements, which will further help our users and inevitably push the boundaries of modelling even further.

Two important keywords characterize the improvements in Release 2008: Performance and usability. Rapidly increasing data amounts and larger models have put strong demands on today's modelling tools and their ability to handle massive datasets and to execute simulations with large and complex models. We are inevitably happy to announce that Release 2008 is meeting these demands beyond our own expectations.

Release 2008 introduces parallel processing for some of the most computational demanding packages. This along with some additional performance improvements and reduction of memory use results in stunning performance increases compared to the previous release.

Inherently, the performance of our flood modelling packages is greatly enhanced through the implementation of the support for multi-core CPUs. In addition, the Release 2008 of our flood modelling packages includes significant improvements in terms of flexibility and new features including a completely new numerical engine.

Likewise, the Studio versions of the water resources packages have been combined into one comprehensive package for basic, river hydraulic and integrated hydrological modelling in Release 2008. Similarly, our many ground water users may furthermore takes advantage of a very attractive time-limited 2-in-One package offer.

Our many urban users may benefit from the support of the 9.2 release of ArcGIS which among other greatly improves the performance when working with large models. Besides, MIKE URBAN 2008 is also available in an enterprise version supporting ArcSDE. This gives true multiuser and workgroup functionalities unsurpassed by any other modelling software.

For further news on the numerous improvements in Release 2008, please have a look at the four application areas or our 2008 virtual product catalogue.


Synopsys-PrimeTime_StandAloneV2008.06 for Linux license keymake

PrimeTime® is a full-chip, gate-level static timing analysis (STA) tool for 100 million-gate designs. PrimeTime provides a comprehensive solution that combines static timing analysis, accurate RC delay calculation, advanced modeling, and timing sign-off in an easy-to-use product. PrimeTime’s performance enables multiple full-chip timing analysis runs of multimilliongate designs while exhaustively analyzing all critical paths. It is ideal for large, multi-frequency designs that combine synthesized logic, embedded memories, and microprocessor cores.
Key benefits:
1 Industry-leading performance and capacity–64-bit architecture allows full-chip timing analysis of 100-million gate designs; Incremental analysis reduces runtimes for minor design changes and improves productivity; Support for binary parasitics
2 Golden delay calculator–Built-in RC delay calculation uses parasitic information from SPEF, DSPF, and RSPF files; Widely adopted in flows worldwide
3 Advanced modeling–Interface Logic Models (ILMs) for hierarchical static timing analysis and sign-off; Extracted Timing Models (ETM) for cell-based reusable IP and physical synthesis design flows; ASIC vendor sign-off and foundry support



Ricardo is pleased to announce the release of a new state-of-the-art version of its WAVE engine performance and gas dynamics simulation product. The new features and advanced simulation technologies of WAVE v7 represent a robust virtual development environment offering improved accuracy with solution times reduced by orders of magnitude. Key WAVE v7 features include:

WaveBuild3D: Released with WAVE v7, WaveBuild3D provides a CAD environment which enables users to build solid, three dimensional models which can be automatically meshed for use in WAVE. Based on the powerful ACIS畇olid modeller from Spatial Technologies, this pre-processor enables users to build highly complex geometric models of components such as exhaust and intake systems, concentrating on engineering design issues rather than modelling details.

Run Distribution: This new innovation for WAVE v7 offers the potential to unleash the power of a multiprocessor or network computer system to deliver costeffective, large-scale optimization and massive productivity improvements. Run Distribution licenses enable a single multi-case WAVE model to be broken down into many single-case models and submitted to a network or cluster of computing resources for simultaneous execution. Using Run Distribution, there are no restrictions within WAVE on the number of parallel executions of the model.

RCAT 3D Catalyst: This three dimensional catalyst model brings new levels of accuracy and resolution to emissions simulation. Rapid calculation speed is achieved using optimized solvers for flow, heat transfer and chemistry. Multiple RCAT 3D catalysts can be used within a WAVE model with full interaction between them, as well as heat generated from catalytic reactions returned to the WAVE model. Results can be viewed in WAVE抯 new 3D postprocessor to visualise the light-off event within the catalyst brick.

Improvements to WaveMesher: The release of the original version of WaveMesher in version 5 was a major step forward in enabling customers to automatically create consistent and accurate WAVE models directly from CAD data. With WAVE v7, the WaveMesher is improved with the addition of an arbitrary cut plane capability, which greatly extends the type and range of geometry that can be processed. In addition, the implementation of orifice junctions in the automatically generated mesh, and improved algorithms for meshing as well as interface and methodology enhancements look set to make WaveMesher the tool of choice for those creating WAVE models from CAD data.

Improved Pre/Post Processing: WaveBuild抯 new Element Manager enables centralised creation and management of model elements. It also enables the organisation and reuse of elements within and between models using templates. FreeType fonts and imported logos enable users to enhance the appearance and branding of graphical output.

Diesel Particulate Filter: WAVE抯 emissions capabilities are further extended with the new 1-D model for wall-flow DPFs, which accounts for the collection of soot particles while the resultant pressure drop is controlled in the WAVE flow network. Filter regeneration strategies can be evaluated via cosimulation using an external model of the engine management system.


Simsci pro ii 8.2(C) Invensys

Invensys Process Systems (IPS), a global technology, software and
consulting firm, has released the newest version of SimSci-Esscor's
PRO/II software, a steady-state process simulator used to design, analyze
and improve chemical processes. In addition to the numerous
infrastructure upgrades and enhancements that address the emerging needs
of the hydrocarbon and chemicals processing industries, PRO/II simulation
software can now be used on Microsoft Vista Enterprise & Business
operating systems, and IPS has provided an updated install procedure and
support for Microsoft Office 2007.

PRO/II 8.2 simulation software includes improvements for modeling heavy
oils and electrolytic systems and for generating pure component
properties. The PRO/II 8.2 simulator improves heavy-oils modeling with
the addition of a new liquid viscosity prediction method that prevents
viscosity from being skewed by the heaviest petroleum component. PRO/II
8.2 software has also integrated the Mixed Solvent Electrolyte model, the
latest electrolyte model from OLI Systems, capable of reproducing
speciation, chemical and phase equilibria, applicable to
water-organic-salt systems and aqueous solutions from dilute to the
fused-salt limit.

The newest version of the software is also integrated with ProPred, a
property prediction tool from the Computer Aided Process-Product
Engineering Center of the Technical University of Denmark that allows pure
component properties to be predicted from structure based on a multi-level
group contribution method and can be used directly with PRO/II software.

"PRO/II 8.2 software shows our dedication to both the hydrocarbon and
chemicals processing industries. We have developed features for each
industry, as well as introduced features and infrastructure upgrades that
will enhance the user experience of all of our customers," said Joseph
McMullen, PES Product Manager for IPS. "Our technological advancements in
the area of modeling heavy oils truly set PRO/II simulation software apart
from the competition, which continues to have issues accurately modeling
heavy oils."

The new integration with Microsoft Vista Enterprise & Business operating
systems and support for Microsoft Office 2007 means that IPS clients can
now integrate simulation and modeling functionality and data more easily
with other enterprise applications.

About IPS (Invensys Process Systems)

Invensys Process Systems (IPS), headquartered in Plano, Texas, is a global
technology, software and consulting firm leading significant change in
process manufacturing, plant optimization, business operations and
enterprise performance. IPS clients are some of the world's most important
industrial organizations -- companies that operate large oil refineries;
plants that process chemicals, gas, LNG, power, pharmaceutical and
minerals; and pulp and paper mills. IPS solutions, used at over 50,000
locations across the globe, include field devices and controls from
Foxboro and Triconex, advanced applications from SimSci-Esscor, operations
management from Avantis, and the world's first truly open enterprise
control system, InFusion(TM).



Roxar's integrated Irap RMS Solution can help accelerate the field development planning cycle by allowing multiple disciplines to work together on a common reservoir model in parallel. The capability to build reliable reservoir models in a collaborative environment also assists in increasing the ultimate recovery.
Roxar appreciates that the biggest challenge the exploration and production industry faces is the industry wide skills shortage with maturing and more difficult to develop hydrocarbon assets.

Roxar’s Irap RMS breaks down the barriers between geoscientists and engineers, resulting in better decisions through a shared understanding of the reservoir. Integrated workflows deliver team productivity improvements whilst also capturing valuable knowledge about the reservoir.

Irap RMS is the E&P industries premier solution for integrated static and dynamic reservoir modelling. It comprises of a range of linked modules, each covering a specific stage of the complete reservoir characterization, development and production optimization workflow.

Integrate Reservoir Knowledge

Breaking down the traditional barriers between technical domains Irap RMS enables the building of a shared earth model. This ensures that the expertise and knowledge of the full team can used to build the most accurate reservoir model for planning and decision making.

Reduce Risk and Manage Uncertainty

Irap RMS makes it easy to generate multiple scenarios for the analysis of uncertainty across both the static and dynamic reservoir model. The ability to easily quantify the risks helps optimize the field development planning process and technical decision making. This ultimately leads to an improved project return on investment.

Produce Accurate Results Quickly

With field development decisions which cost tens of millions of dollars it is critical to ensure that decisions are being made on accurate, up to date models which honour as much of the field data as possible. Irap RMS leads the industry in the integration of different data into the reservoir model. Workflow tools also ensure that models can be updated immediately when new data becomes available.


2008.09 0day softwares

2008-09-28 VSNI.GenStat.v11.1.0.1575
2008-09-28 EIBA.ETS3.v3.0f.Multilanguage
2008-09-27 Minitab.v15.1.30
2008-09-27 CIMCO.Software.Suite.v5.12.04
2008-09-24 Functionbay.RecurDyn.v7.R1.SP1
2008-09-22 Cadenas.PARTsolutions.v8.1.08.Multilanguage
2008-09-21 Siemens.Simatic.PDM.v6.0.SP4.MULTiLANGUAGE
2008-09-21 Aquaveo.GMS.v6.5.1
2008-09-20 Siemens.SIMATIC.S7.GRAPH.v5.3.SP6.Multilanguage
2008-09-20 Siemens.SIMATIC.S7.PLCSIM.v5.4.SP2.Multilanguage
2008-09-20 Siemens.SIMATIC.S7.SCL.v5.3.SP5.Multilanguage
2008-09-19 Beta_Cae_ANSA v12.1.5
2008-09-18 Solidworks 2009 for win32 &win64
2008-09-17 HSM Performance Pack for Mastercam X3
2008-09-14 MASTERCAM_X3
2008-09-14 COADE.CAESAR.II.V5.1
2008-09-12 PTC.PRO.ENGINEER.WILDFIRE.v3.0.M170.
2008-09-11 PAM-STAMP 2G 2008 (C)ESI
2008-09-10 Autodesk.Productstream.Professional.v2009.MULTiLANGUAGE
2008-09-09 Teksoft.CAMWorks.2008-07.SP3.1
2008-09-07 Nemetschek.Scia.Engineer.v2008.MULTiLANGUAGE
2008-09-06 FEFLOW 5.308
2008-09-05 Tecplot.Focus.2008.v11.3
2008-09-04 MSC.DYTRAN.V2008.R1 for Win &Linux
2008-09-04 MSC.SINDA.V2008.R1
2008-09-04 MSC.EASY5.V2008.R1 for Win &Unix
2008-09-04 MSC.PATRAN.V2008.R1
2008-09-04 MSC.MD.ADAMS.R3 for WIN &Linux
2008-09-03 Tecplot.360.2008.v11.3.29.563
2008-09-03 Aquaveo.WMS.v8.1.082908
2008-09-02 Beta_Cae_ANSA v12.1.4
from caxsoft

FDTD Solutions 6.0.4 license crack

2D and 3D simulation capabilities
Nonuniform mesh and automesh algorithms
Simulation convergence autoshutoff
Parallel / cluster computation
Movie (.mpg) generation of simulation dynamics
Scripting language to customize simulation and analysis
Lorentz, Drude, Debye and anisotropic materials
Data import/export with BRO's ASAP ray-tracing package
Data export to Matlab or ASCII file formats
Structure import from GDSII files
Extensive online help

Boundary conditions:
absorbing (PML), periodic, Bloch, symmetric, asymmetric, and metal boundaries
Simulation objects:
primitives that can be rotated and placed in three dimensions, and structure definition from imported SEM/image files; primitives include triangles, rectangular blocks, cylinders, conic surfaces, polyons, rings, user-defined (parametric) surfaces, spheres and pyramids
Radiation sources:
waveguide sources, dipoles, plane waves, focused beams and diffraction-limited spots, total-field scattered-field (TFSF) sources, and source import/export from/to BRO's ASAP ray-tracing program
Measurement monitors:
refractive index monitors, time- and frequency-domain monitors to measure pulsed or continuous-wave (CW) field profiles and power flow, and movie monitors to generate .mpg movies of field dynamics

Parallel/clustered performance
The parallel option of FDTD Solutions allows for large-scale and rapid simulation of optical components, by distributing computational load and memory requirements across multiple nodes. Measured data shows that parallel FDTD Solutions offers significant performance enhancements as measured by the speed increase of simulations performed on multi-core and multiprocessor computing systems. Access to an 8-computer cluster will allow you to simulate a structure 8 times larger, or allow you to simulate the original structure approximately 6 times quicker.

The data further shows that these advantages - the ability to run much larger simulations, or run simulation much more quickly - are also available on much larger computer clusters, like the tests run on 128 processors as shown.


TrueGrid V2.3 license

TrueGrid® is the preprocessor of choice in many different industries. Unfortunately, as is so often the case, the best and most interesting meshes are protected by non-disclosure agreements or stronger. Nonetheless, we have been able to gather several representative meshes -- some built by our staff, some built by our customers -- to demonstrate TrueGrid®'s ability to efficiently generate high quality hexahedral meshes and grids.

We have gathered these examples into 3 categories: Finite Element Meshes, Computational Fluid Grids and BioMechanical Meshes. Structural meshes tends to have lower aspect ratios and to otherwise be qualitatively distinct from the grids used in fluid dynamics. The third category, biomechanical meshes, is based on the geometry definition rather than the analysis type. Biomechanical geometry is frequently obtained as many points (e.g. a CAT scan or MRI). Software is then used or a program is written to represent these points by polygonal surfaces. These polygonal surfaces, sometimes hundreds of them, are read into TrueGrid® and are used as the boundaries of the mesh.

Finite Element Meshes Computational Fluid Dynamics Grids Biomechanical Meshes and Grids


OpendTect 3.2.1

is our pleasure to announce the release of OpendTect v3.2.1.
This is a major new release with many interesting new capabilities and new plugins. Highlights in OpendTect base:

Faults and attributes on faults
Pre-stack visualization
3D Bodies and Polygons
Madagascar processing flow builder (Madagascar installation required)

Time-depth conversion (recursive attributes)
Quick iso-chron maps

Histograms and amplitude spectra

Improvements for random lines, cross-plots, scaling and colors, horizon interpolation, data sub-selections, stratal amplitudes and much more.
There are two new commercial plugins supported in v3.2.1:

Common Contour Binning (CCB; based on Wintershall technology)
Multi-Point Stochastic Inversion (MPSI; by Earthworks / Ark cls).
Furthermore, there are major improvements in some existing plugins:

SSIS: new interpretation module and new event-driven chrono-stratigraphy algorithm
Neural Networks: Quick UVQ
Dip-Steering: Event steering algorithm.


ManiaBarco Ucam v8.2.1 LICENSE crack

Mania Belgium NV (formerly known as Barco), the photoplotter and software division recently bought from the administrators of Mania Technologie AG by ESO, released UCAM version V8.2.1. in June this year. Despite the upheavals within the Mania Group, product development at Mania Belgium has continued without interruption.

Frank van den Bossche, Product Manager Software, commented, "The focus of UCAM V 8.2.1 is on enhancing plant yields and providing a more robust product for the end user. A large number of customers have now upgraded to UCAM version V8.2.1., and it is very well received. Customers comment favourably on the stability of this release, as well as on the gain in productivity. "

New Design for Manufacturability (DFM) procedures allow each fabricator to define more precise rules to optimize copper and solder-mask layouts to meet his own manufacturing requirements and his customer's performance specifications.

UCAM's field-proven electrical test solutions are further enhanced for advanced HDI designs. New Z-axis adjacency algorithms enable testing for current leakage through thin (especially screened- or photo-) dielectrics as well as detection of over-drilled blind microvias. For high-density layouts with BGAs and other small foot-print components, new staggering rules allow the user to input his detailed test strategies into Mania Belgium's expert-system fixture-generation programs.

All automation rules are set up directly on-screen using Mania Belgium's clear dynamic automation menus without the need for time-consuming programming.



Complete PCB design solution combining schematic definition with powerful layout and simulation tools
Integrated design environment combines ease of use with functional depth
With PADS PCB design solutions, you will:
Achieve a high ROI on PCB designs ranging from basic to complex
Improve productivity with shorter design cycles
Maintain design integrity with the latest analysis and simulation tools
High-speed routing improvements: controls for matched length nets and differential routing improvements.
Square and chamfered corners, DXF-in import, and via matrixing enhancements for RF design.
Blind/buried via drill table improvements: designs with partial vias (blind or buried) are automatically updated with the layer pairs and drill count of the partial vias in the design.
Alpha-numeric pin improvements: simplifies creation of large BGA-based parts.
ECO enhancements: includes comparison of design rules between the schematic and layout databases.
Design for fabrication (DFF) analysis: powerful fabrication checks, such as acid trap, starved thermals, solder mask slivers are checked in the CAD environment and database, allowing the designer to identify and correct manufacturing problems in PADS Layout, before Gerber generation.
Pin number visibility: the user has the ability to turn on/off the visibility of the component pin numbers, either numeric or alpha-numeric, improving designer productivity during routing.
SI analysis: integration of DxDesigner(TM) and the HyperLynx(R) LineSim(R) tool through a new interface allows fast transfer of a circuit for analysis and back annotation of termination resistor values.
Analog simulation: provides a board level simulation analysis and verification through a common schematic editor for both simulation and PCB design entry
"Mentor Graphics has demonstrated exceptional productivity benefits in optimizing the FPGA-to-PCB integration process with I/O Designer," said Danny Biran, Altera's senior vice president of product and corporate marketing. "The introduction of I/O Designer for PADS will bring the benefits of cycle time reduction and lower PCB costs to a broader FPGA / PCB customer base. Altera's advanced FPGA technology, combined with I/O Designer for PADS, is a perfect solution for the PADS user to expand their mainstream FPGA usage."

The PADS I/O Designer Product
The PADS I/O Designer family provides for concurrent design of the FPGA and PCB by bridging these unique design flows and automating the various processes needed to implement today's high pin-count, high-speed FPGAs on PCBs. Starting with nothing or an early hardware design language (HDL) description or a top-level DxDesigner(TM) product, the FPGA-PCB interface is quickly defined with a variety of correct by construction, drag and drop PCB signal to FPGA pin assignment methods. The PADS I/O Designer product then synchronizes the interface across the FPGA and PCB flows through:

Automatic DxDesigner and schematic generation
Automatic generation & maintenance of required FPGA vendor files, HDL files, and synthesis constraint files
Optionally, the PADS I/O Designer product will import the PADS Layout physical design for FPGA vendor rules-driven pin swaps. When extended to PCB optimization, the PADS I/O Designer product leverages the PADS Layout physical design to drive PCB trace optimization through FPGA interface unraveling. Also available is functionality to optimize multiple FPGA interfaces simultaneously within a single PADS Layout physical design.


LUMEN MICRO2000 (C) Lighting Technologies Inc

Lumen Micro 2000 hosts an impressive list of new features. Among other features and improvements, the following features were introduced in version 2000:

Color Renderings - now you can add color to your design. Lumen Micro allows you to specify any color for included surfaces - interior or exterior.
AutoCAD DWG / DXF Support - import and export of AutoCAD DWG / DXF files has been significantly improved. Support for AutoCAD 2000 is also included.
Auto Layout - enter your target light level and LM will automatically create and position fixtures to produce the correct light levels.
New CAD Features - the CAD is faster than ever, with new dynamic Orbit and Pan modes added. You can also view your drawing with hidden line removal and in solids.
HTML Output - save your output as HTML files for easy communication across the Internet.
Product Library - LTI's extensive product library has been updated to include even more products from 70 lighting manufacturers.
There are many other enhancements that have improved the overall performance and ease-of-use of Lumen Micro.

Standard Features

Lumen Micro 2000 includes the following standard features:

Windows Interface - Lumen Micro utilizes the Windows operating systems to provide you with a familiar graphical user interface.
CAD Interface - Rooms, objects, and luminaires can be inserted, moved, copied, and deleted with the mouse. Numerous three dimensional views provide excellent visualization and manipulation capabilities.
Product Library - Lumen Micro comes with a photometric library of approximately 20,000 products from 70 manufacturers.
Lumen Helper - a step-by-step checklist for producing a lighting layout.
CAD Import/Export - Import and export DXF and DWG files to assist you in producing lighting designs.
Photorealistic Renderings - View a grayscale or color rendering of your design to confirm that your appearance and visibility goals have been achieved. The renderings provided by Lumen Micro are based upon years of research into accurate reproduction of visual response.
Object Library - Lumen Micro includes a library of predefined objects, including partitions, tables, and chairs that can be added to your design with the click of a mouse.
Formatted Output - Print professional looking output in seconds. Lumen Micro includes a variety of report types.
Integrated Link to AutoDesk's Lightscape 3.2 - Enables you to use Lightscape to generate photo-realistic color renderings of your Lumen Micro projects.
Pole Configuration - Create custom poles or select from a library of preset configurations.
Roadway Lighting Calculations - Add a roadway to your site plan and calculate roadway luminance, RP-8 compliance.
Iso-Templates - Graphical display of the distribution of the individual luminaires, poles, or racks to assist you in placement.
Improved Luminaire Aiming and Placement - Place and aim luminaires in one easy step, and moving your aiming point will automatically re-aim your luminaires.
CAD Functionality - Lumen Micro allows you to select objects via windowing, it features improved zooming, panning, and refresh speed in CAD views, and it utilizes layers like AutoCAD's.
Enhanced Control of Contour Maps - Allows you to control every aspect of iso-contour generation.
Unlimited Grid Size - Create calculation grids of unlimited size with an unlimited number of calculation points.
Project File Merging - Merge multiple project design files into a single project file. Now you and others can work simultaneously on different parts of a large design.
Custom Output - New functionality allows you to customize any output to any size, including standard blueprint and plotter sizes; allows you to create detailed blueprints that include your company logo, title block, luminaire schedule, site plan, etc.
Auto-Recalc - This new feature for outdoor lighting analyses provides on-the-fly recalculation as changes are made to the design.
Integrated Quantity Estimator - You can automatically determine how many luminaires are required to achieve your target illuminance level.
Sports Light Rack Configuration - Create custom racks ideal for sports and floodlighting projects.
Statistical Areas - The addition of statistical areas allows you to view calculated statistics on specified areas of any size or shape.
Shaded Plots of Calculation Grids - Generate gray-scale shaded plots for individual calculation grids and see them in CAD views.
Global Daylighting Maps - Global maps make the determination of longitude and latitude for daylighting analysis as simple as clicking on your location.
Undo - Single step undo allows you to backtrack to the previous action.
Electronic Documentation - Lumen Micro includes an electronic manual with hyper-text links.
Free Product Support - All LTI products come with 30 days of free telephone support from the date your copy is licensed. In addition, customers may utilize unlimited free email and fax support.


SDS/2 Data.Design.System.Suite.V7.1.28 License keygen

SDS/2 is the only product with the built-in intelligence to automatically design connections using a 3D model with a multitude of options for beams, columns, bracing and joists. A full station of SDS/2 gives you the power to get the job done.

Connections are designed based on parameters that you define for each job. Designate material, edge distance, cope criteria and other connection specifications, and SDS/2 will automatically generate connections that meet your requirements.

Then you can model all the minor pieces of steel — ladders, handrails, stairs, hoppers, bins, checkered plates, etc. — with SDS/2’s parametric modeling feature. You’ll save a phenomenal amount of time by creating a 3D model with every piece of material, bolt and hole in the right place.

When the model is complete, SDS/2’s automatic detailing feature creates a comprehensive set of 2D drawings, unlike what other software systems generate. Plus, the drawings require few modifications, because you create adaptive detailing rules that work in conjunction with the system’s automated detailing routines.

SDS/2 also automatically creates all of the major member details, submaterial details and erection views, another time-saving feature. And because these 2D drawings are taken from the model, the erection crew always gets an accurate fit in the field.
SDS/2 is more than the software you need today or tomorrow. It’s a key building block for the future of your business.

For more than two decades, Design Data has diligently worked to make SDS/2 the best product on the market. By constantly updating SDS/2 with an array of new and creative solutions, Design Data remains at the forefront of innovation in the steel industry. New SDS/2 features, connections and enhancements are being developed every day.

Among many innovations, Design Data was the first software company to provide:

Automatic connection design
Detailing with a framing plan approach
Multi-site capabilities with one model
Multi-user capabilities with one model
True 3D model for producing details
Automated shop equipment support
Capability to import engineering data into detailing system
Job status tracking
3D model review
Customizable drawing presentation


AccuMark 8.3 (C) Gerber Technology

Tolland, Conn., USA – Gerber Technology, a unit of Gerber Scientific, Inc. (NYSE: GRB) and the world leader in automated CAD/CAM and PLM solutions for the apparel and flexible materials industry, announces the release of AccuMark™ version 8.3. This update to the industry’s benchmark software for pattern design, grading and marker making includes system navigation enhancements and upgrades to enhance efficiency, data integration and ease of use. Included in the update is an improved interface with its WebPDM and Fashion Lifecycle Management suite.

“Tight integration between CAD and PDM/PLM software is such an important factor in facilitating Product Lifecycle Management,” said Bill Brewster, Gerber Technology’s vice president of global marketing and product management. “As we focus on continuous improvements to enable our customers to maintain their competitive edge, AccuMark’s interface with WebPDM and our PLM suite, Fashion Lifecycle Management, is something we’re really proud of. That, combined with the other enhancements, makes this new release a valuable tool in industries including fashion where high velocity production is a must to remain competitive,” he added.

In addition, Gerber Technology enhanced Pattern Wizard, one of the most popular functions within the AccuMark system. Pattern Wizard enables users of all experience levels to quickly and easily generate graded costing patterns from a library of pre-defined garment types and finished garment size specifications; it can also be used to modify existing styles, using a measurement chart. Wizards are created by the brands and emailed to the global suppliers to control the quality of the styles being created offshore and to ensure their standard patterns are created correctly and to specification.

AccuMark V8.3 supports both SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server Express 2005. SQL Server Express 2005 is included with the AccuMark software, free of charge, so that companies can be introduced to the benefits of SQL without having to purchase Server 2005. SQL Server Express provides users with better access to statistical data from their AccuMark systems and allows users to run database applications on desktops and small servers.

When combined with AccuMark V8.3, SQL Server 2005 provides users with increased levels of data security, user-level controls of access to data, and more robust user access to data on large networks of AccuMark systems. As the top choice in enterprise databases, SQL Server 2005 facilitates communication between the AccuMark and other ERP systems, providing easier access to the AccuMark data for querying, scheduling or even remote processing of data.

“AccuMark version 8.3 allows users to make the most of their time and resources. By listening to our customers, we continue to innovate by expanding the features to meet customer needs for both speed and cost reduction,” said Angela Cruz, product manager, AccuMark family products, Gerber Technology. “We are really pleased to see this product continue to evolve and to be the leading choice of so many in the industry.”

Currently available in more than 20 languages, AccuMark is the standard for pattern design, grading and marker making/nesting in the apparel, transportation interiors, furniture and industrial fabrics industries. AccuMark software is used by more than 13,000 customers worldwide, with more than 38,000 seats installed.