

Mechanical Simulation is committed to making vehicle simulation available to users who need to "get the job done" without spending weeks of training to learn to use difficult software. We have designed the software for ease of use for the actual engineers who are doing the job, eliminating the need for expensive consultants. BikeSim, CarSim, and TruckSim are known for being much easier to learn and use than vehicle simulation has ever been, even though the math models have all the detail needed to simulate tests over the full nonlinear range of conditions that can be covered with rigid-body multibody system models.
User Interface and Database

Your main connection to the software is through the a VehicleSim (VS) browser. Click a single button to make a simulated run, then click another button to see an animation or view engineering plots of results. While using the Quick Start Guide for your software package (CarSim, BikeSim, etc.), you will be making new runs and seeing their results in less than an hour.

All properties that you set or adjust are represented in the graphical interface. Over 150 graphic screens are organized for you to access properties of the vehicle, control inputs, road geometry, plot settings, and animation settings. The VS browser GUI minimizes the time needed to build a vehicle description and set up run conditions. The database comes with an extensive array of examples and allows you to set up libraries of components, vehicles, tests, etc. This allows you to rapidly go back and forth between different runs to compare results and make changes. You can easily overlay plots and animations to quickly identify the results of your changes.

The vehicle and its properties are defined by parameters and tables that are measurable and available from a variety of sources including tests or suspension design software. The VS browser sets the standard for minimizing the time needed to assemble a complete vehicle description with detailed math models.
Tables for Nonlinear Relationships

Many of the vehicle properties, controls, and road properties are described with nonlinear tables. Starting in 2007, you can select one of many possible calculation methods, depending on your needs. These range from a constant, to a linear coefficient, to linear interpolation, to a spline, to 2D carpet plots. (There are currently 11 calculation options.)

Tables can be generated and/or transformed with a built-in calculator, or sent to Excel with a button click for more advanced work.

The math models generate simulated time histories of hundreds of output variables. They provide the motion information for animations, and can be inspected graphically using the built-in plotter. The outputs are also converted automatically for post-processing analysis in Excel, MATLAB, and other software, for the same treatment you might apply to real test data.

Output plots and animations can be easily inserted into reports and PowerPoint presentations.
Help and Documentation

The documentation for VehicleSim products is provided in PDF files that can be accessed on line, or printed to provide old-fashined hard-copies. The documentation is covered by about 50 documents that cover broad topics such as the operation of a VehicleSim math model solver program, to detailed technical descriptions of model features such as tires, steering systems, controllers, etc.

Information is available from several methods at all times.

* Right-click on most screen controls and fields for pop-up help.
* Type F1 or click the help button to bring up the document best matched to the current screen, with details of every control and parameter on the current screen.
* Use the Help menu to access reference material for every screen in the browser program, reference manuals for major components in the VehcleSim software (the browser, the solver programs, the animator, the plotter, etc.), and tech memos covering specific topics such as example applications.

Multiple Databases

A VehicleSim database can include datasets for many vehicles, controls, and test conditions. Further, you can have multiple databases on your computer to further organize your work.


TracePro-v6.03 crack

The development of optical systems, sources and components involves adherence to various system performance criteria and constraints including spatial and angular light output distribution, uniformity, intensity, and spectral characteristics. Achieving these criteria quickly with a manufacturable and cost effective design requires modeling software that is powerful, easy-to-use and accurate. TracePro, renowned in the scientific community for the accuracy of its simulations, offers engineers and scientists the confidence that the performance of the finished products will concur with the simulated design without costly prototype iterations.
TraceProTransparent Lamp with rays traced and CIE plot

TracePro is a comprehensive, versatile software tool for modeling the propagation of light in imaging and non-imaging opto-mechanical systems. Models are created by importing from a lens design program or a Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) program or by directly creating the solid geometry in TracePro. Optical properties are assigned to materials and surfaces in the model. Source rays propagate through the model with portions of the flux of each ray allocated for absorption, specular reflection and transmission, fluorescence and scatter. From the model, ray trace, and analyze:
# Light distributions in illumination and imaging systems
# Stray light, scattered light and aperture diffraction
# Throughput, loss, or system transmittance
# Flux or power absorbed by surfaces and bulk media
# Light scattering in biological tissue
# Polarization effects
# Fluorescence effects
# Birefringence effects

TracePro features a simple, intuitive interface, and short learning curve that is both powerful and user-friendly for engineers and scientists of all disciplines.

TracePro Product Data Sheet

New Features and Enhancements

* Fluorescence
* Increased Ray Trace Speed
* Direction Sensitive Surfaces
* 3-D Textures for RepTiles
* Enhanced Translators for OSLO® , CODE V® , ZEMAX®
* Optimization Add-In
* Surface Source Property Utility NEW for quickly modeling light sources from manufacturers' data sheets


Techlog Interactive Suite 2010 crack

A fully integrated Application module that allows the 2D display of well locations held in the Project together with formation properties (e.g. porosity, saturation etc.) or summarised log and core data (e.g. minimum value, maximum value, average etc.) as contour maps.

New developments

* Display the desired set of wells in a 2D map viewer by a single drag & drop from the Project Browser. Well symbols (oil producer, gas injector,...) retrieved from the Project data store as a well property.

* Compute any chosen value or parameter from the logs, cores or results in the wells as a surface using Kriging as the contouring algorithm. Interactively adjust the variogram parameters to investigate data uncertainty across the fi eld or Project

* The data to be mapped can be directly retrieved from the results of the Summaries computation (e.g. average petrophysical property by zone and/or fl uid zone)
* Finished maps can be easily saved for instant retrieval, printing or display within 3DVue
* Based on well deviation and depth to surface, the mapped values are placed at the actual X,Y, locations of the zone whose data is represented by the map. Well trajectories may be projected onto any map

Coming soon

* Ability to load any kind of map from third party software, satellite pictures (with compatible geographic reference system)

* Additional contouring algorithms to be developed


The simple principles of a “Data Family” or a “Data Alias” allow you to rapidly harmonise names, units, scales, colours etc. across your entire project, and allow you automatically to control preferential data selection


From potentially many hundreds of wells in a project, use powerful data mining tools to rapidly understand the data that are present and any errors of naming, units and families assignment, etc.


Using the combination of data inventories and detailed data queries, search, fi nd and repair spurious names, units and family/alias assignment. Arrive at fully harmonised datasets ready for efficient multi-well work in a fraction of the time.


MICROMINE is a toolbox of solutions that allows you to capture, manage and interpret critical mining and exploration data. As an explorer, MICROMINE provides you with an in-depth understanding of your project so you can target prospective regions more accurately, increasing the chance of your project’s success. As a miner, MICROMINE gives you easy-to-use modelling, estimation, and design tools to simplify your day-to-day design and production tasks.
MICROMINE comprises nine modules giving you the flexibility to choose what you need as you need it, as your operation expands or your requirements change.


The heart of MICROMINE, Core allows you to import, validate, visualise and interpret surface, drillhole and subsurface data. Users or third parties gain a rapid and in-depth understanding of the data using industry-standard 3D graphics.

* Vizex 3D viewing environment
* Compatibility with many third party file formats
* Graphically interpret drillhole and other data
* Display all supported MICROMINE data types
* Essential statistical and coordinate conversion tools
* Automate repetitive tasks using macros
* Easily communicate ideas to non-technical audiences using fly through animations or VRML scenes


The Exploration module provides a set of tools for working in detail with drillhole data, including the performance of statistical calculations and DTM surfaces or grids.

* Drillhole calculations
* Statistical and geostatistical calculations
* Enhanced display capabilities; pie charts, oriented diamond drill structures, 3D contours
* Digital terrain modelling and calculations


The Wireframing module allows you to build and manipulate triangulated 3D solids and surfaces. Analytical tools include flagging 3D data as being inside or outside a solid or above or below a surface, grade-tonnage calculations, and many other spatial operations

* Use a wireframe solid and drillhole assay data to quickly calculate a grade/tonnage
* Use interactive Boolean operations to intersect two or more wireframes, or the menu version to batch process many wireframes via a macro
* Build polygonal solids from a profile, or slice a wireframe using sequential planes in any orientation
* Modify wireframe coordinates by rotation, scaling, translation, or geographic coordinate conversion
* Calculate drillhole pierce points from a wireframe
* Construct wireframe solids from a variety of data types

Resource Estimation

The Resource Estimation module provides a comprehensive range of modelling related functions, you can:

* Classify, quantify, and report the grade and tonnage of a resource model
* Create grade/ tonnage curves in preparation for reserve estimation
* Unfold or flatten a block model
* Supports all common interpolation methods from IDW through to Multiple Indicator Kriging (MIK)
* Also supports 2D polygonal methods for extremely simple or extremely complex deposits

Pit Optimisation

Pit Optimisation allows users to find the most profitable open pit or nested pits using industry-standard Lerchs-Grossman optimisation.

* Enhanced pit optimisation including variable slope angles, dilution, recovery, rehabilitation costs and analysis
* Use function parameters, variable element prices, or periodic capital expenditure for more complex projects
* Enhanced block model reporting
* Support for multiple slope regions and processing methods with multiple elements per rock type


The Mining module allows you to develop a mine plan based on your organisation’s mining parameters and business fundamentals.

* Functions for designing open pits, haul roads, slot ramps, switch backs and cutbacks
* Functions for designing underground drives, rises, shafts, declines and inclines
* Calculator for simple conversion between overall slope angle and batter angles/berm widths
* Variable geotechnical parameters for pit design
* Open pit blast pattern design including clipping blastholes to a DTM, calculation of volumes, production of collar/assay files and blast displacement of ore blocks
* Underground ring design tools including drill fans, charging, stemming and volume calculations.


The Scheduling module allows you to schedule and report on mine production by defining mining blocks, resources calendars, and extraction rates.

* Interactive 3D tools combine with Gantt chart and calendar interfaces to provide a truly integrated environment
* Spatially define a mining sequence
* Set up resources and calendars in Gantt chart or calendar interfaces
* Interactively re-sequence tasks on the Gantt chart and see the effect in 3D
* Use a block model to generate time-based grade/tonnage reports


The Surveying module comprises tools for importing and processing survey data. It provides calculation facilities for points, strings, surfaces and volumes.

* Tools to import data from any data recorder or total station text format
* Functions to reduce raw survey observations and to calculate and adjust coordinates
* Create and work with Digital Terrain Models (DTMs)
* Calculate volumes from DTMs or cross sections
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SEMA EXPERIENCE V11.0: The Easy Way to Build on a Slope

On the trade fairs in spring and summer 2009, SEMA will introduce a completely new module called ‘Terrain Designer’. Many customers asked for it and so SEMA integrated this new module into the SEMA EXPERIENCE V11.0 program package, which makes it fast and simple to use.

The easy way to build on a slope,

or on the coast:

With this new program part, any topography can be created and visualized directly with the timber construction program.

And, of course, it is also possible to automatically create sectional views of buildings on a slope where all the height information is displayed as well.

Nevertheless, the SEMA programmers were able to keep operation as simple as possible and user-friendly.
Structural Analysis Perfectly Integrated

This is as easy as it gets: Timber and steel components can be analysed directly during the design stage - whether it is in Ground Plan or in 3D - and then be optionally transferred to the FRILO structural analysis software. All geometric data, component dimensions and material codes are automatically taken into account.
FRILO - A Strong Partner

The company Friedrich + Lochner, with their main office in Stuttgart, Germany, has been developing calculation programs for structural analysis for 30 years. The new generation of standards with semi-probalistic safety concepts is quite a challenge for construction engineers as well as for software developers



LightTools® is a unique optical engineering and design software product that features virtual prototyping, simulation, optimization, and photorealistic renderings of illumination applications. The software has adapted solid modeling technology to accommodate the inherent accuracy required to simulate ray paths of light as they traverse through and within optical elements and mechanical structures. LightTools is straightforward to use, accurate, has the most advanced capabilities commercially available, and supports the tasks of design and engineering iterations in addition to analysis.A Robust Design and Analysis Tool

LightTools' unique power lies in its complementary strengths of design and analysis. The analysis gives you the status of how well your design is working against spec. The design features help you quickly and efficiently improve the design, in both the initial concept phase and during engineering iterations and refinements. This coupling of benefits (design and analysis) makes LightTools really pay off in terms of productivity improvement, faster time to market, and better engineered products.

Build and Modify
While analysis requires only the initial creation or importing of geometry, practical design requires quick and simple geometry modifications. You can perform easy design modifications because LightTools' implementation of Boolean operations and trimming operations retains the parametric information about how the geometry was created. Surface and material properties are also maintained as you edit the model, allowing quick analysis of multiple design forms.

LightTools' basic 3D solid primitives, sphere, ellipse, toroid, block, cylinder (including cone), extrusion and rotationally swept polyline, can be parametrically edited and inserted with any size, in any location, and at any angle. Complex objects previously defined using Boolean operations can be edited at any time (even after the object is complete). Each solid can be combined with any other solid (native or imported) using the Boolean operations, union, intersection, and subtraction. This allows the creation of complex, as-fabricated, models, such as segmented reflectors and multifaceted lightpipes. Note that the complex elements can be optical, mechanical, or structural components. And of course, LightTools can also import and export CAD data in several standard and product-specific formats.

Create Complex 3D Objects Quickly and Easily
LightTools' "skinned solids" feature allows you to build extremely complex 3D objects simply by specifying their transverse cross sections, available in various shapes, at two or more points. The software then automatically constructs the longitudinal structure between these shapes. Furthermore, you can specify the longitudinal surface profile to be straight lines, cubic splines, or even Bezier curves. The precise shape of the skinned solids can then be adjusted automatically using the LightTools optimizer.

Point-and-Shoot Ray Tracing
Your understanding of the optical behavior of a complex illumination system is greatly enhanced because you can graphically start and aim rays from any point in your model, even from inside parts. Rays are displayed visually and automatically update as the model is changed, and rays can be moved or rotated interactively to probe the behavior of a model.
Link from caxcrack


TopSolid 2010 has been designed to specifically provide solutions for our customers needs. This new 2010 release offers new features for design and manufacturing in mechanical engineering, tool making and wood industry. Just watch them and enjoy!. Here is a quick preview of some of what's in store in the latest version of TopSolid 2010.
Management of symmetrical parts
In mechanical engineering it is fairly common to have to produce a right and left hand part. It is evident that the operator does not want to reprogram the left hand part when he has already programmed the right hand part. However, it is not enough to make the machining operations symmetrical. The user needs to ensure he is using climbing cutting (as opposed to conventional cutting) on the right hand and left hand part. TopSolid’Cam’s functions to create symmetrical parts ensure that the correct cutting direction is maintained.
Changing cutting conditions
TopSolid’Cam 2010 manages the modification, in 1 click, of the cutting conditions of several operations, notably rotation speeds and feed speeds. Thus the user can edit the cutting conditions after the event without having to edit the cutting operations themselves or without necessarily having detailed knowledge of TopSolid’Cam programming.
Faster and more efficient
Thanks to the possibility to carry out parallel calculations with the new multi-core processors TopSolid’Cam 2010 offers dramatically reduced calculation times (a reduction of 50-75% depending on the number of cores) notably in 3-5 axis operations which require a lot of power.
Advanced simulation
A new control during the simulation process now permits swiss turning machines to be better managed. Users can now also navigate backwards from the last NC program line simulated. Many other improvements have also been generated via this new control.
Data recovery
Import and export to and from several CAD solution to improve the communication and collaboration with CATIA®, IGES, DXF, STEP, SAT,


In the dynamic CAD/CAM market, Geometric anticipates important technical trends and ensures that our products stay ahead of competitors. We continuously enhance our products by leveraging the advancements in technology to meet the requirements of the machine tool industry.

CAMWorks® with Machining Intelligence is the most advanced CAM programming software available for getting products to market faster, more efficiently and within budget. CAMWorks is a next generation best-of-class CNC programming solution for producing molded parts from solid models.

CAMWorks is a SolidWorks® Certified Gold Product for Manufacturing/CAM Software that provides state-of-the-art machining capabilities seamlessly integrated into the award winning SolidWorks design software. As the first CAM solution to offer true knowledge-based machining capabilities, CAMWorks leads the way in advancements in Automatic Feature Recognition (AFR) and Interactive Feature Recognition (IFR). CAMWorks offers true associative machining automatically accommodating changes to the part model, which eliminates time consuming CAM system rework due to design updates.
Machining made easy!

CAMWorks is an intuitive solids based CAM solution that helps manufacturers increase productivity and profitability through best-in-class technologies and adaptable automation tools that maximize machining efficiencies, and are yet simple to use.

Its seamless integration within the SolidWorks® environment facilitates in automatically accommodating changes to the part model, thereby eliminating time consuming CAM system rework due to design updates and thus enabling true associative machining.

CAMWorks helps manufacturers across aerospace, automotive, electronics and medical industries optimize and evolve their CAM automation process.
CNC Machining

Minimize Efforts!

CAMWorks eliminates the drudgery of CNC programming with Intelligent Machining through automation. Pioneered by Geometric Technologies (A division of Geometric Americas Inc.), this suite of tools automates the generation of toolpaths based on a knowledge based database. It eliminates hours of complex programming through Automatic Feature Recognition (AFR) that automatically defines prismatic machinable features, while the TechDB™ (Technology Database) defines machining operations to automatically generate accurate toolpaths at the click of a button.


MagNet v7 2D/3D simulation software for electromagnetic fields let's you rapidly model and predict the performance of any electromagnetic or electromechanical device:

•Electric Motors/Generators
•Magnetic Levitation
•Induction Heating
•Magnetic Recording Heads
•Transcranial Magnetic Simulations
MagNet uses the finite element technique for an accurate and quick solution of Maxwell's equations. Each module is tailored to simulate different types of electromagnetic fields and is available separately for both 2D & 3D designs.

Transient or Time-varying electromagnetic fields
•Non-linear analysis
•Second-order time stepping
•Resume Feature: pause at a particular time step for inspection
•Core losses, proximity effects and eddy currents
◦Supports rotational, linear and general (multiple degrees of freedom) motion
◦Velocity & load driven motion problems
◦Computes induced currents due to motion
◦Supports multiple moving components
AC or Time Harmonic electromagnetic fields
•Analysis based on a single frequency in the complex domain
•Eddy currents, displacement currents, skin effects & proximity effects
Magnetostatic fields
•Non-linear analysis
•Specified currents may flow through any type of conducting material, including magnetic materials
All our solvers also support
•All 3D solvers are multithreaded for true multicore support
•Windows® XP and Vista 64-bit
•Symmetry for reducing solution domain
•Parametric Module for "What if?" analysis
•Circuit Coupling
•Coupling with ThermNet 2D/3D
•Optimization with OptiNet

Field Plot: hysteresis loss Results
•Winding losses, eddy current and hysteresis losses
•Magnetic flux density (Β), Current density (J) & Lorentz Force Density
•Energy & Flux linkage
•Voltage & Current
•Force & Torque
•Impedance, Inductance & capacitance
•And more from caxcrack


Ucam- v8.4.1-Ucamco

Ucamco enhances CAM productivity with UCAM Version 8.4.

Ucamco (formerly Barco ETS) announce the release of the latest version of their flagship
UCAM PCB CAM software v8.4.1.

Now securely established as an independent supplier of high-technology PCB front-end
engineering systems and laser photoplotters, Ucamco is pushing ahead with new
software releases to boost the productivity of their customers.

The new software version further automates routine operations on both rigid and flexible
PCBs. Menu-driven automation gives the user complete control and single-click
operation without the need for special programming. New one-click functions include
removing unused inner-layer pads, setting special clearances for fiducial pads or
optimising track runs on flexible circuits.

System integration is critical to increased productivity. UCAM v8.4 includes a faster and
more intuitive link to Ucamco’s powerful sales tool, Integr8tor. Support for ODB++ v7
links UCAM seamlessly to other CAM and assembly programs.

UCAM v8.4 now supports multitasking 64-bit Windows software. To improve throughput
CAM engineers can run several programs simultaneously on the same workstation.

Karel Tavernier, Ucamco’s Managing Director, comments: “At Ucamco, we are fully
committed to increasing our users’ productivity to enhance their competitive edge in
today’s global PCB market. We listen carefully to our users’ feedback. The new
features in v8.4 have been introduced in response to specific user requests.”

The upgrade to UCAM v8.4.1 is free of charge to all UCAM users with systems covered
by warranty or Maintenance Contract.

keygen for ALL Autodesk products v2011


001C1 - Autodesk AutoCAD 2011
057C1 - AutoCAD LT 2011
128C1 - Autodesk 3ds Max 2011
129C1 - AutoCAD Map 3D 2011
185C1 - AutoCAD Architecture
206C1 - AutoCAD Mechanical 2011
225C1 - Autodesk Electrical 2011
235C1 - ACE MEP 2011
237C1 - Civil 3D 2011
240C1 - AutoCAD Revit Architecture 2011
241C1 - AutoCAD Revit Architecture Suite 2011
255C1 - AutoCAD Revit Structure 2011
256C1 - AutoCAD Revit Structure Suite 2011
257C1 - AutoCAD Revit MEP Suite 2011
262C1 - Showcase 2011
276C1 - Autodesk MapGuide 2011
279C1 - Direct Connect for JT 2011
294C1 - Inventor Tooling Suite 2011
295C1 - Autodesk Showcase Professional 2011
297C1 - AutoCAD Revit MEP 2011
340C1 - Raster Design 2011
426C1 - AutoCAD Plant 3D 2011
448C1 - Autocad P&ID 2011
462C1 - AutoCAD Inventor Professional Suite 2011
464C1 - Inventor R-SYS 2011
466C1 - Inventor SIMULATION
467C1 - Autodesk Topobase Web 2011
495C1 - Autodesk 3ds Max Design 2011
504C1 - Navisworks Review 2011
506C1 - Navisworks Simulate 2011
507C1 - Navisworks Manage 2011
527C1 - Inventor Suite 2011
544C1 - CIVIL 2011
form caxcrack



Available Materials Regarding DF 5.7.3:

1. A one-page INC Solver data sheet.
2. A Power-Point presentation outlining key features of the INC Solver.
3. An updated DFE User's Manual. DFE Section 6.7 is the designated INC Solver User's Manual.
4. The User’s Manual is also available by clicking the “Help Menu” in the DFE application.
5. A set of (7) cases in the DFE Tutorial Manual includes INC Solver content.


A DF 5.7.3 price list is now available for distributors. There is an additional line item for the INC Solver, which is an add-on item for existing DYNAFORM and DFE users.

For releases after DF 5.7.3, such as DF 5.8, the DFE module will automatically include the INC Solver in a bundled package.

The INC Solver is priced per 4-Cores CPU. For example, if the computer system has a 8-Core CPU, the price is doubled.


A DF 5.7.3 license key will activate the INC Solver plus all other licenses within existing DF 5.7.X. All licensing procedures and practices are the same as previous versions. User should copy the “eta.lic” file in both the installation directory and the INC Solver installation directory.

Available Platform:

The INC Solver is only available on Windows platform, including Windows XP and Win 7. It is not available for Unix or Linux.

It is highly recommended that you use DFE’s Job Submitter in conjunction with INC Solver application. It is possible to use the pre-/post-processor in Unix and Linux system, while using Windows to run the INC Solver. Please make a special request for this application.

It is highly recommended that you use the Intel Multiple-Core computing platform.


The installation procedure is identical to DF 5.7.X. Server and floating licenses are available on request. It is possible to install the INC solver as a standalone code. To do this, please use the Input File produced by DF 5.7.3 for an execution without ETA’s Job Submitter.

Summary of Capability:

Integrated in DFE module to support die face engineering applications:

1. Gravity-Load and Binder Wrap Simulation
2. Crush-Forming Simulation
3. Single-Action Tooling Simulation
4. Double-Action Tooling Simulation
5. Lancing Operation
6. Springback Simulation

Quick Setup is provided to support these simulations. Job Submitter is part of the Quick Setup for managing the jobs execution and multiple jobs.

It is highly recommended that you reference the User’s Manual and run at least one of the tutorial cases to get familiar with the Quick Setup, “Best Practices” and INC Solver execution.

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2010-03-31 PowerMILL v2010 RC1 Full
2010-03-30 Siemens.Solid.Edge.ST2.v1.0.x86
2010-03-30 PTC.PRO.ENGINEER.WILDFIRE.V5.M030.WIN32&Win64
2010-03-29 Intel.C.Plus.Plus.Compiler.Professional.v11.1.060
2010-03-29 Intel.Visual.Fortran.Compiler.Professional.v11.1.060
2010-03-28 Spaceclaim.v2009.Plus.SP1
2010-03-25 AUTODESK.AUTOCAD.MAP.3D.V2011
2010-03-24 3Dvia Composer 2010 v. V6R2010x HF1 Win32_64
2010-03-23 AutoCAD.v2011.Win32.Multilanguage
2010-03-22 Bentley Winnozl v03.01.08
2010-03-21 Geometric.Global.DFMPro.for.SolidWorks.v2.1.50
2010-03-21 AutoCAD.Architecture.v2011
2010-03-19 Primavera P6 (Peoject Planner and Methodology Managment) v6.0 build 00001473
2010-03-17 FF-CAM v6.0
2010-03-18 Accelrys.Materials.Studio.v5.0.PROPER
2010-03-16 Autodesk.AutoCAD.Electrical.v2011
2010-03-15 PTC Routed Systems Designer v9.0 F000
2010-03-15 PTC Toolmaker 9.0 M050 Win32
2010-03-14 MAXON.CINEMA.4D.Studio.Bundle.v11.5.MULTiLANGUAGE
2010-03-12 Delcam PostProcessor v6.0 SP1
2010-03-12 Adem-VX v8.3
2010-03-12 Malz++Kassner CAD6 Industry Release v2010 build 2010.02.12
2010-03-11 Mathworks.Matlab.R2010a
2010-03-11 Altair.HiQube.v5.2.1
2010-03-11 Lira v9.6 R3
2010-03-10 Aquaveo GMS v7.1.0
2010-03-10 Aquaveo SMS v10.1.4 Update Only
2010-03-10 Megatech MegaCAD Metall v2010
2010-03-09 Pointwise.v16.03.R1
2010-03-09 Isight-FD V4.01
2010-03-08 DICAD_Strakon_S_v2010_SP1_MULTiLANGUAGE
2010-03-08 Camtek Production Engineering Productivity System (PEPS) v.5.3.14
2010-03-07 AutoformPlus r1.1 (v4.3.1) for win32&win64
2010-03-07 SolidWorks.2009-2010.Personal.Edition.Video.Tutoria
2010-03-05 SIMPACKv8.8.03
2010-03-04 Robert McNeel AccuRender v4.0
2010-03-03 Optiworks 2010 for solidworks
2010-03-02 TracePro v6.02
2010-03-01 CATIA V5R20 P2 With SP1 Win32 & Win64
2010-02-28 GIBBSCAM.2010.V9.5.1
2010-02-26 BricsCad.Pro.v10.2.13.17830
2010-02-26 PAM-TFA.V2009 for CATIA
2010-02-26 PAM-DIEMAKER.V2009 for CATIA
2010-02-26 VAMOS.V5.72 for CATIA
2010-02-26 Pitney Bowes MapInfo Pro 2010 v10.0.1.220
2010-02-25 Leica.Cyclone.v7.0.2
2010-02-23 Elecworks for solidworks 2009-2010
2010-02-23 VICON_BOUJOU_V5.0
2010-02-22 Moldplus v10 MR2 for MastercamX4 MU3 v04.02.10
2010-02-22 NCSS 2007 with GESS 2006 v07.1.20
2010-02-21 3DQuickMold 2009 SP1 for SolidWorks 2008-2010
2010-02-21 SolidWorks 2010 With SP2.1
2010-02-20 SolidCAM v2009 SP4
2010-02-19 LMS.TEST.LAB.REV10A
2010-02-19 Femap_with_NXNastran_V10.1.1
2010-02-18 Geomagic.Studio.v11.SR0.2
2010-02-17 ASHAMPOO_3D_CAD_PROFESSIONAL_v2.0.0.2
2010-02-16 Transmagic.Expert.v8.WiNNT2K
2010-02-15 CAMWorks 2009 SP3.0
2010-02-14 MASTERCAM X4 MU3
2010-02-12 Simulia.Abaqus.v6.9.EF1
2010-02-11 Terramodel 10.60 & 16.01 Update
2010-02-10 WorkNC V20.03
2010-02-10 EON.Studio.v7.0.WiNNT2K
2010-02-09 ELECTRONICA_ELCAM_V1.11
2010-02-09 ECS_FEMFAT_V4.8_WIN32
2010-02-08 Bentley.HAMMER.V8i.
2010-02-07 TEKLA STRUCTURES V16.0
2010-02-06 Pointwise.v16.02R4.WIN32
2010-02-06 Delcam.PowerINSPECT.2010
2010-02-05 Right.Hemisphere.Deep.Exploration.CAD.v6.0.2
2010-02-05 Geomagic Qualify v11.0
2010-02-05 Geomagic Studio v11.0
2010-02-04 PTC Pro CONCEPT v4.0 M010
2010-02-04 CopyCAD Pro 2010 SP1
2010-02-03 Mastercam X4 MU3 Update
2010-02-03 3DQuickForm v3.0.3 for win32 &win64
2010-02-01 Simulia.Abaqus.v6.9.3
2010-02-01 Autodesk.AutoCAD.PID.V2010
2010-01-31 CSI Etabs 9.7
2010-01-30 Gerber.AccuMark.Family.v8.3
2010-01-29 SolidWorks 2010 SP2.1 Updates
2010-01-27 ESI Visual Environment v5.5 Win32_64
2010-01-27 FeatureCAM 2010 SP4 v16.4.0.20 Full Multilanguge
2010-01-26 Pitney Bowes MapInfo Pro 2010 v10.0.1.220
2010-01-26 Bentley.AutoPIPE.8i.v09.01.01.02
2010-01-25 Bentley.PULS.XM.V8.9.0.28
2010-01-25 Fluent Gambit v2.4.6
2010-01-24 PowerMILL v10.06 & SP5
2010-01-22 ESI PAM-STAMP 2G 2009 Win32&64
2010-01-21 CSI Safe v12.2.0
2010-01-20 Oasys GSA Suite v8.4 build 17
2010-01-19 Logopress3 2010 SP0.4 for SolidWorks 2009 SP5-2010 SP2
2010-01-18 PTC Pro Engineer Wildfire 5.0 M020
2010-01-17 Accelrys.Materials.Studio.v5.0.WiN32
2010-01-16 Aptech.GAUSS.v10.0.0.1276
2010-01-16 NCSS.PASS.2008.v8.0.13
2010-01-15 TracePro 6.0.1
2010-01-14 PTC.Pro.Toolmaker.v9.0.WiNNT2K
2010-01-14 Transmagic.Expert.v8.WiNNT2K
2010-01-13 PTC.PRO.ENGINEER.WILDFIRE.V4.M120. for win32 _win64
2010-01-12 SOLIDWORKS.V2010.SP2.0.UPDATE.ONLY for win32 &win64
2010-01-12 3DQuickForm v3.0.3 for SolidWorks
2010-01-11 Bentley RAM Concept V8i
2010-01-10 Mastercam.X4.Maintenance.Update.2
2010-01-10 Think3.ThinkDesign.2009.3.110.190.MULTILANGUAGE
2010-01-09 SAS.JMP.Statistical.Discovery.v8.0.2
2010-01-08 Camnetics.CamTrax64.v2010
2010-01-08 Camnetics.GearTeq.v2010
2010-01-08 Think3 Design Xpressions v1.107.78.2008
2010-01-08 Bentley InRoads Suite V8i (
2010-01-07 Autodesk AutoCAD MEP v2010
2010-01-07 Progman Oy MagiCAD 2009.5
2010-01-06 Vamos v5.7.2 for Catia v5R18
2010-01-06 Camworks 2009 SP2.2 Win32
2010-01-05 DP.Technology.ESPRIT.2009
2010-01-04 Chaos Systems TopoCAD 12.0
2010-01-03 SolidWorks Flow Simulation 2010 SP1.0
2010-01-02 SOLIDCAM2009_SP3
2010-01-01 SOLIDWORKS.V2010.SP.1.0.UPDATE.ONLY for win32 &win64
2010-03-29 Cadence Kitsocv v08.20.003 Linux
2010-03-28 Synopsys NS Hsim XA vD-2010.03
2010-03-26 Synopsys Spice Explorer vC-2009.09
2010-03-25 Cadence ET v9.1 Linux
2010-03-24 Cadence SPB v16.3.004 Update Only WinALL
2010-03-24 CST Studio Suite 2010
2010-03-20 Bernina Artista v4.0
2010-03-19 Synopsys Hspice vD-2010.03
2010-03-16 UCAM V8.4.1 (c) Mania Technologie
2010-03-14 ARM SOC Designer v7.1 Linux
2010-03-06 Cadence SPB v16.30.003 Update Only WinALL
2010-03-04 Altera.Quartus.II.v9.1.SP1.Update.Only
2010-02-28 SynaptiCAD.Product.Suite.v14.18a
2010-02-25 CST Studio Suite 2009 SP8
2010-02-24 BluePrint-PCB.v2.2.0.486.with.CAM350.v10.2.0.386
2010-02-20 Altera.Edition.ModelSim.v6.5b
2010-02-18 Mentor.Graphics.Calibre.v2010.1.14.11.
2010-02-16 Pulsonix 6.1 Build 4162
2010-02-15 Xilinx.ISE. v11.4. Update 2
2010-02-14 SynaptiCAD.Product.Suite.v14.17a
2010-02-12 Altium Designer Summer 09 Build
2010-02-11 Novas v2010.01
2010-02-08 Atrenta SpyGlass v4.2.0
2010-02-06 Synopsys IC Compiler vC-2009.06 SP5
2010-02-04 MikroPascal Pro for AVR v2.10
2010-02-03 Cadence SPB v16.30.001 Update Only WinALL
2010-02-01 AlleleID.v7.60
2010-01-31 Mentor Graphics QuestaSim 6.6
2010-01-27 Mentor.Graphics.PADS.v9.1
2010-01-25 Proteus 7.6 & SP4 Win32
2010-01-23 Ansoft Designer and Nexxim 5.0
2010-01-16 IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM 5.41.1 Ful
2010-01-09 NI Circuit Design Suite 11.0
2010-01-06 Mician Microwave Wizard v6.0
2010-01-05 Flometrics MicroStripes v7.5
2010-01-04 SP7 for CST Studio Suite v2009
2010-01-04 Dolphin SMASH v14.0 Win32
2010-01-03 Synopsys Hspice vC-2009.09 SP1
2010-01-02 Synopsys Simif vC-2009.09
2010-01-01 Mentor Graphics Precision Physical Synthesis 2009a.87
form crack-cad