

Program any Machine Tool
The high-performance ESPRIT system offers powerful programming for any CNC machine tool. ESPRIT's full-spectrum functionality includes programming for 2-5 axis milling, 2-22 axis turning, 2-5 axis wire EDM, multitasking mill-turn machining, and B-axis machine tools. Streamline your operations with the powerful and flexible ESPRIT system, valued by CNC programmers for its extensive suite of machining cycles, comprehensive tool control, and capacity to fully support an entire shop. 

Machine any Part Geometry
ESPRIT's seamless CAD to CAM interface directly imports any native part model from any source, fully intact, with no need for programmers to edit or rebuild geometry. ESPRIT directly machines from any combination of geometries — solids, surfaces, wireframe, or STL — providing you with complete manufacturing flexibility. Starting with 100%complete and accurate part geometry eliminates nearly all of the difficulty in programming complicated parts and dramatically reduces programming time. 

Universal Post Processing
ESPRIT's universal post processor effortlessly creates the high-quality G-code you need to fully exploit your machine tool investment. With ESPRIT you get proven out-of-the-box operation with a complete library of pre-defined post processors. Additional factory-certified posts are available for many of the leading machine tool brands, and ESPRIT's open architecture allows you to easily adjust any post processor to suit your personal preferences and shopfloor requirements. ESPRIT's flawless G-code means you will spend more time cutting parts, giving you maximum machine utilization and optimal part quality at the lowest possible cost. 

Dynamic Solid Simulation and Verification
ESPRIT's fast, accurate, and reliable dynamic solid verification eliminates the need for expensive dry runs on the NC machine. Gain complete confidence in your machining process as you compare accurately rendered "as designed " versus "as machined" parts. High-performance, real-time simulation and comprehensive collision detection ensure that even the most complex of parts will be machined correctly the first time. ESPRIT gives you exhaustive verification of the part program simulated within a complete machining environment: machine tool, fixtures, clamps, stock, and workpiece. Minimize downtime, maximize manufacturing efficiency, and cut machining costs while gaining complete confidence in your machining processes with ESPRIT. 

Delcam_Powermill_ 2015_R2_tutorials_download_training

PowerMILL 2015 R2 provides more new features and enhancements to further improve the speed and accuracy of your manufacturing processes, including:

Rib Machining Module
Project Verification
Dynamic Stock Model for Roughing
Drilling from Stock
Area Clearance Drilling Entry Moves
Tool Database Improvements
Simulation of Tool Changes
User Customisation


OpticStudio 15 is the newest version of optical and illumination design software from Zemax. New added features enable
  • Better integration with other programs
  • Streamline cost estimates for prototype lenses
  • Create photoluminescence models with realistic material inputs
  • Expand freeform optics design capabilities
Application Programming Interface (API) – a new set of COM/.NET functions that expose analyses, tools, and editors to external programs. Most actions that can be performed manually inside the program can be called through the API, giving users the power to expand the program’s capabilities. The new API supersedes the antiquated DDE capability providing an extensive degree of control and is available in the Premium and Professional Editions. OpticStudio 15 can mimic a built in analysis by using the special API functions to generate plots, text, and dialogs that look native. Additionally OpticStudio 15 can serve as an optimization operand whose sole purpose is to calculate and return a value for optimization.

ISO 10110 XML Output and Prototype Estimator - export standard ISO 10110 drawing data of optical designs in XML format for manufacturing. The new XML format enables designers and manufacturers to develop automated processes for prototyping and fabricating lenses, potentially reading the data directly into a CNC or diamond turning machine.
The Lens Cost Estimator – a new tool in OpticStudio 15 Professional and Premium Editions uses the new XML export format to send lens prescriptions to a manufacturer and receive real-time prototype cost estimates. Optimax is the first manufacturer supported, and the Lens Cost Estimator will retrieve an estimate from the Optimax Estimate web application. The new Lens Cost Estimator combined with sensitivity optimization and tolerancing are powerful tools that assist the designer in achieving cost-effective solutions.

Photoluminescent Materials - are phosphors used in LEDs and fluorescent dyes used in biomedical imaging. Accurate modeling of photoluminescence requires not only spectral properties, but particle properties to account for the scattering that occurs in these materials.
OpticStudio 15 supports photoluminescence modeling with more realistic inputs. Designers define an absorption spectrum, excitation spectrum or quantum yield, emission spectrum, and particle parameters. These properties can be assigned to any volumetric object in non-sequential mode. In addition, data for several sample phosphor materials are included. This capability supersedes the more approximate waveshift model of photoluminescence and is included in the Premium Edition.

Object Editor – the first of several planned innovations offering users the option of design environment as some users prefer a spreadsheet paradigm, while others prefer a more CAD-like interface. This new feature available in the Premium and Professional Editions allows users to modify any object’s parameter through a graphical user interface similar to CAD programs. Design changes are synced through the entire system so that the editors stay up to date. This would be most useful to designers modeling non-sequential systems that are based upon 3D objects and coordinate systems.

Expanded Freeform Optics - OpticStudio supports several surfaces that can be used for freeform optical design, and all Editions of OpticStudio 15 include Chebyshev surface. This surface along with Zernike polynomials, general XY polynomials, NURB and Bezier splines offer powerful freeform design tools. As manufacturing methods have advanced, optical designers are now able to feasibly incorporate these types of surfaces into their systems. These surfaces can all be optimized and constrained to meet performance and manufacturing constraints.

Zemax OpticStudio V15 SP1


Main Modules

Integrated CAD & Analysis functions

  • Standard translators : IGES, DXF, STL,
  • Direct translators: UGS®, Catia® V.4/V.5,V.6 Parasolid® ...
  • Mold Analysis Functions,
  • 3D surface modeling functions,
  • Advanced intelligent surface morphing for filling simple or complex cavities,
  • Automatic 2D Features recognition and cycle definition for drilling, counterboring, reaming, tapping...
  • Automatic mold and die core separation.

High performance CAM functions

  • Automatic geometry and machining zone detection and management,
  • Specific fluid and progressive toolpaths designed for High Speed Machining,
  • Full user stock definition (block, CAD, STL),
  • Dynamic 3 and 3+2 stock Management (Real time toolpath updated),
  • Complete tool and holder collision check with automatic stock update,
  • Powerful toolpath editor,
  • Virtual 3D machine representation and machining simulation (dynamic editing of points and vectors),
  • Powerful tool and holder library (holder components managed),
  • Automatic HTML workshop documentation,
  • User predefined machining sequences for automatic machining,
  • Machining from STL files and point clouds,
  • Batch mode calculations,
  • Comprehensive postprocessor generator (NURBS, cycles, circular interpolation...).

Powerful and optimized roughing toolpaths

  • Global Roughing and Re-roughing toolpath designed and optimized for HSM machining,
  • A range of specific toolpaths with trochoidal, spiral or plunging movement
  • Roughing strategies use the automatic Tool and Holder collision avoidance check with an automatic update of the stock,
  • Automatic calculation and machining of rest areas based on dynamic stock.

Powerful and optimized finishing toolpaths

  • A wide range of Finishing toolpaths optimized for HSM machining,
  • Z Level finishing, Planar finishing, Flat surface finishing, Contour finishing, Edge finishing,
  • 3D Display of rest-material areas,
  • Automatic 5 Axis conversion possible
  • Re-machining toolpaths enable automatic rest material machining with increasingly smaller tools.

Intelligent 2 and 2.5 Axis toolpaths

  • Range of 2 and 2½-axis strategies,
  • Pocketing, Contouring, Curve machining, Engraving, Rib machining, Facing, Drilling, tapping ...
  • Automatic Drilling Module,
  • Automatic features detection, Pre-defined drilling sequence selection, Automatically generated drilling operations, Deep hole and intersecting hole drilling management,
  • Customized Postprocessor.

Automatic & Simultaneous 5 Axis toolpaths

  • Automatic 3 to 5-axis toolpath conversion - Auto 5,
  • Wide range of Simultaneous 4 and 5 Axis toolpaths,
  • 5 Axis Rolling, Planar finishing, Spiral Blade, Impeller, Tube, Laser ...
  • Collisions detection and machine limits management