

ASAP® is the time-proven industry standard in optical software, offering optical-system designers unmatched capability, flexibility, speed, and accuracy. ASAP accurately predicts the real-world performance of automotive lighting, bio-optic systems, coherent systems, displays, imaging systems, lightpipes, luminaires, and medical devices.


The product of more than 20 years of continuous development, ASAP is able to simulate the physics of more optical systems than any other program available. ASAP unites geometrical and physical optics with full 3D models of optical and mechanical systems. Built-in graphical tools allow visualization of odel geometry, ray-trace details, and results analysis. ASAP handles it all, including scattering, diffraction, reflection, refraction, absorption, polarization, and Gaussian beam propagation.


ASAP is now interoperable with many CAD programs. ASAP can be configured to open native CAA V5 CATIA® files from the program by Dassault Systemes, to write ASAP-specific GTX files from within SolidWorks®, the program by SolidWorks Corp., to write ASAP-specific IGES files from within Rhinoceros®, the program by McNeel & Associates, and to import IGES files from other CAD programs — numerous options for accurate, seamless geometry transitions into ASAP.
ASAP is also able to import (and export) complex vector field distributions from the finite-difference, time-domain code FDTD Solutions™, by Lumerical. Together, ASAP and FDTD Solutions are able to handle both macroscopic optical systems and microstructures in an elegant manner. No other software combination spans such a large optical space.


The speed-optimized ASAP non-sequential ray-tracing engine is the fastest available, and without the accuracy-compromising surface approximations of other programs. Model almost any conceivable geometry in a single working model, and analyze the behavior of your system in hours instead of weeks.


Optical system designers in 35 countries rely on ASAP for virtual prototyping with great accuracy and confidence. ASAP will model the finest details, which means you can depend on your simulation results to mirror real-world performance.

ASAP Benefits

With ASAP, you get the most sophisticated software program available for creating optical solutions in-house — everything you need to create without compromise and reduce your product development timeline.


  • Comprehensive modeling capabilities for producing groundbreaking, innovative optical designs without costly experimental prototyping iterations
  • Exclusive interoperability features to address a whole range of problems inaccessible with other software programs
  • The fastest non-sequential ray-tracing engine available
  • Results you can count on every time


The standard edition of ASAP includes everything necessary to design and analyze basic imaging and illumination systems while interoperating with CAD programs.


This PRO edition of ASAP is everything you need to turn your creative visions into working prototypes, taking into consideration the most complex of optical phenomena and interoperability challenges.

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