

Interactively extract accurate, multi-layered geological expressions from your data for faster geological insight. Power-on with GeoTeric™ to bridge the gap between processing and 3D interpretation, by directly translating geophysical data into the geological expressions of shale, salt, carbonates, clastic and structure. Learn more about the technology that has powered the success of over 300 projects in conventional and unconventional reservoirs for over 100 E&P companies worldwide - and how you can reach the most informed, seismically driven decisions you've ever made. Tile group Shale Connect with high-precision localisation in clastic systems Uncover the full potential of your seismic data to identify untapped potential and extend the productive life of your field. Use GeoTeric to capture geological expressions from all available seismic data rapidly, accurately and objectively. Identify and extract geological details with high-resolution information on facies changes and reservoir heterogeneity to examine previously worked regions in greater detail and to de-risk new hydrocarbon plays. Construct more accurate geological models with interpreter-guided, data-driven 3D geometries, highlighting potential reservoirs and surrounding geological entities, leading to more realistic recovery estimation and greater confidence in well planning.
Secure sharper carbonate reservoirs definition and estimation Better understand reservoir geometry, heterogeneity and inter-connectivity for effective production from carbonate plays. Improve depositional modelling of carbonates with accurate facies classification. Identify fault corridors to assess fluid flow and production potential. Create 3D representations of dissolution features to understand extent and connectivity throughout the reservoir, significantly reducing drilling risk. GeoTeric helps you improve well planning and placement by rapidly identifying variations in fracture density that are almost impossible to recognise with conventional interpretation. Access rapid, accurate salt boundary delineation With advanced noise attenuation, GeoTeric makes sub-salt seismic events easier to map, revealing intricate geological changes that can indicate potential hydrocarbons. Quickly detect finer variations in seismic signature – invisible to the naked eye – and delineate the complex faulting often associated with salt movement more objectively than ever. Feed your salt body and structural results back into the workflow, bringing together the many insights extracted from your data, for a complete picture of geological structure and a more accurate reservoir model. Image: Processed on Netherlands TerraCubeREGRID TM data, supplied by Fugro Data Services AG.

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