
DiaVision Professional V4.0

Professional Edition
DiaVision™ Professional Edition includes all the features of DiaVision™ Standard Edition listed above plus the following unique features:

Recut - DiaVision™ can tell you how and what to do if you want to improve the diamond cut (diamond proportions and symmetry). Works on round and fancy diamond shapes.
Real three-dimensional model - view your diamond like never before! The real three-dimensional model shows you each extra diamond facet, misshapen facet, misaligned facet junction, broken culet, and all other symmetry features of your diamond in a clear and unmistakable way.
Three-dimensional model rotation - freely rotate your diamond's three-dimensional model in any way you like, so you can zoom in to any stone feature you're interested in.
New Shape Wizard - "teach" DiaVision™ how to accurately measure new, proprietary diamond shapes, so you can regularly measure them with DiaVision™ and print out the reports and labels you're used to.
Export shape to DiaExpert™ - this feature is a must for diamond manufacturers who want to create new diamond shapes. Simply scan your new diamond shape with DiaVision™ and with a click of a button export that shape into DiaExpert™, for planning rough diamonds with your new diamond shape.

Product Options & Extensions
DiaVision™ has three options that may be configured and customized to suit your specific needs:

Search & Find - Use DiaVision™’s Search & Find feature to positively identify your diamonds:

As a wholesaler: Positively identify your stones – when sending out stones on memo, you may want to positively identify them upon their return. Simply use the new “Search & Find” feature and instantly verify that your stones haven’t been switched.
As a retailer: Upgrade stones – when a client comes in with a stone he bought from you a year ago and now wants to upgrade, you can instantly verify that he’s indeed returning the same stone he bough, and not a substitute.
As a manufacturer: Match pairs and sets– when creating jewelry pieces that require a pair or a set of near-identical stones, DiaVision™’s “Search & Find” feature will search through your stock and find stones as similar as you like to the one you just scanned.
As a gem lab: Report resubmitted stones – as a gemological laboratory, you may have stones resubmitted from time to time. It could be very valuable to you if DiaVision™ immediately alerted you to the fact that this stone was scanned by your Sarin. machine in the past. You can then load the previous report you issued on that stone and avoid embarrassing discrepancies and mistakes.

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