Simulation ribbon tab is now tailored to the selected solver
T-Solver (Hexahedral Mesh)
- Support of spatially varying material models (radial dependency)
- Time dependent conductivity for lossy metal
- 1D time power loss curve for surface impedance materials
- Inhomogeneous port accuracy enhancement for the generalized port mode solver (preview)
- Selective calculation of higher order port modes
- Absorption of unconsidered mode fields for homogeneous waveguide ports
- 1D power loss curve for port absorption
- Extended online TDR result to 50% time shift option
- Option to shrink farfield monitoring to structure box
- Reduced result download (1D signals and farfield monitors) for MPI
- Shared file server access for MPI
- Option to perform one single remote DC calculation
- Support of Xeon Phi Hardware Acceleration
- Improved broadband excitation technique for near field sources
T-Solver (TLM Mesh)
- PBA is available for the TLM mesh
- Cables and wires are more accurately routed close to metal surfaces
- Visualization of currents on wires and common mode cable currents
- Intermediate S-Parameters and FD results are available during the solver run
- Linux is now fully supported
F-Solver (Tetrahedral Mesh)
- Combine results for field source monitors
- Automatic separation of polarization degenerated higher order port modes
- Excitation of single-ended port modes with native single-ended field results
- Introduced near field sources on surface impedance material
- Improved robustness for field source monitors
F-Solver (General Purpose Sweep with Tetrahedral Mesh)
- Direct and iterative solver for large problems
- Active element pattern from parameter sweep over the unit cell scan angle
- Floquet port mode field polarization angle definition independent of phi
- Discrete face ports and lumped elements also supported with unit cells
- Farfield probe calculation for frequency samples
- Field source imprint on open boundaries, lossy metal, and ohmic sheets
F-Solver (Fast Reduced Order Model Sweep with Tetrahedral Mesh)
- Broadband field probes and farfield probes
- All 3D monitor types are now supported
- Perfectly matched layer (PML) open boundary condition
- Broadband reduced order model for waveguide port modes now default
E-Solver (Tetrahedral Mesh)
- Parametric storage of mode frequencies and Q factors
- Added support for angular and frequency dependent materials
- Added support for perfect absorber materials
- Added creation of RCS Maps
- Added support for near field sources
- Added RCS result for range profile calculations
- Support of hybrid Quad/Tri Meshes
- Local mesh properties are now supported for near field sources
- Support of hybrid Quad/Tri Meshes
M-Static Solver (Tetrahedral Mesh)
- Iron loss computation
- Open boundary condition
- Azimuthal magnetization for magnets
J-Static Solver (Tetrahedral Mesh )
- Contact resistance
LF Solver (Tetrahedral Mesh )
- Impedance matrix computation
- Open boundaries for EQS- and MQS-solver
LF Time Domain (MQS) Solver (Tetrahedral Mesh )
- Rigid body motion for planar meshes
- Nonlinear field circuit coupling to SaberRD and Design Studio
- Azimuthal magnetization for magnets
New transient EQS time domain solver
- Arbitrarily shaped bunches for the Wakefield Solver
- Import and handling of Tet-based fields from Statics- and Eigenmode-Solver
- Particle current- and charge- monitors for the PIC solver
- Alignment and stabilization of GPU- and CPU-algorithms in the PIC solver
- 3D bondwire visualization
- Interactive shape editing in default viewer
- Improved display of component and pin names
- Auto-Tagging of netclass types and components for CST BOARDCHECK
- Import and visualization of DIE stacks (including bond wires) and BGAs
- New direct solver for IR-Drop analysis (in order to simulate large examples)
- New device type Integrated Circuit in order to enhance the IR-Drop analysis task
Power-Integrity Solver
- Accuracy enhancement for mounting inductances
- Improved convergence behavior upon reducing mesh step
- New dialog box which enables to generate Simulation-Projects.
Decap Tool
- Automatic sweeping and optimization of capacitor configurations
- Generation of Pareto front representing best configurations for specific price
- Parametrization of cables (VBA commands and history list)
- Cable Library
- Twisting of multiple cable groups
- Unification of radiation/irradiation workflow between Transient- and AC-Task
Thermal Stationary Solver
- 0D temperature monitor
- GUI for nonlinear blood flow coefficients
Thermal Transient Solver
- New Tet-based transient thermal solver
- Blocks
- Selectable, parasitic models for lumped R/L/C elements
- New block type for file blocks: Project blocks now copy their files
into the project instead of referencing them as file blocks do
- IBIS block: Improved robustness, support for more model types
(I/O_open_drain / _sink / _source, Open_sink / _drain / _source ).
- Unified CST STUDIO SUITE blocks
- Enhanced CST EM STUDIO support: Automatic solver start for linear
R/L/C matrices, state space based (nonlinear) L-Matrix support
- Support of CST MPHYSICS STUDIO blocks for linear, thermal simulations
- FD Tasks: Frequency limited blocks may now be treated as in time
domain. The frequency response is not used directly, but an approximated
version of it. The approximation is guaranteed to be broadband, causal
and passive
- TD Task: Excitation signals may be named and can be stored/restored into/from the global signal library
- TD/S-Parameter Tasks: More secondary results are available: Y/Z parameters, VSWR and Group delay
- DC/FD/TD-Tasks: ‘HSPICE® input netlist’ file export
- TD Task: Nyquist down sampling option for 1D signal plotting
- Block Simulation Tasks: Parameter sweep and Optimizer included as solver types
- Selectable, predefined pin layouts for blocks
- Improved routing
- Unified zooming behavior (same behavior as the 3D view of CST MICROWAVE STUDIO / CST EM STUDIO / …)
- New Filter synthesis tool: Filter Designer 2D, driven by Nuhertz Technologies®
Device Library
- Support for touchstone descriptions
Results/Post Processing
- Post Processing 1D
- New Polar Plot Settings dialog box
- Added dB scaling option for range profile visualization
Post Processing 2D/3D
- New color mapping options (hide out-/inside range)
- Hot color ramp
- Improved plot quality (HEX Mesh)
- Faster / less memory on first time visualization
- Improved viewer responsiveness when traversing the navigation tree
- Result plots under Linux
- Combine results for near field source monitors from F-Solver and I-Solver